Friday, April 29, 2011

Anti Freeze Patch For Pokemon Soul Silver

327 million photos are a lot of pictures ...

According to various media, which incidentally have only translated a story that supposedly based on a Nikon-report will be about 327 million photographs to mark the royal wedding today, April 29, 2011.
As I know the above report and its methodology and its criteria do my own speculation. If it were true that about one million people will see something live wedding average out to 327 photos per person. If, as seems possible, only half the average age take pictures out to 654 photos per person. If one third the average percentage of photographers would amount to 991. Too many in my opinion.
I had a look at a gigapan , a giant photograph of the crowd in front of Buckingham Palace. Displayed many people taking pictures but they are one third of these so that I dare say that the number of pictures that have been done is not even remotely the targeted 327 million.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rash Circles Around Stomach

again rained and flooded neighborhoods, streets, houses ...

is Holy Thursday, April 21, 2011. It rains a lot. In some towns of Ciudad Real is again cause flooding. Neighborhoods, streets, houses ... with the water entering the street. After years in which it was assumed that this problem had been solved, that this had been said by some politicians, we again see the same show of danger, harm and fear. The problem is not that rains a lot but have not done well. Inadequate drainage, obstacles, too impermeable soil, streets that have been "growing" and losing capacity, improper construction or unwise, unpredictability, improvisation, and some or a lot of procrastination.
In the photo, a man installs a table in front of the house on Calle Cristo Rey Villarrubia de los Ojos on April 22, 2011.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dune Buggy For Sale 2010

Who wins the Euro-American war against Libya?

wars arise for various reasons but there is always a very strong economic interests at stake. It is clear that this war is not peaceful or pacifist intervention for the people of Libya but one more chapter enrichment of a few. Who wins the war Euroamerican-Libya? Do not we face, no name or surname but behind there is a certain number, specific, accurate, dare I say, of beneficiary. It is a question anonymously or random. Good efforts and good will cost money to maintain the smoke screen (how the Dupont at the time?), That screen or protective wall of anonymity.
When time passes, perhaps months, perhaps years, perhaps decades, will be known. Maybe going to watch an art museum-as today-was to be one more of those who, unknowingly or knowingly, makes the job of "cleansing" of the past. Pure cosmetics and go back to remember that family named above. But without going so far, Thyssen and the Museum are just that: a beautiful version of a terrible trench paired with innocent blood.
course if there is war is because some very powerful people are interested and because impresionanrtes quantities of human beings are not able to organize and respond to collective and peaceful but forceful.
Now, with the so-called professionalisation of the armed forces (actually a proletarianization overseas more often, more bone colonization), what happens is that it hurts less. It is not the same as our children go to be the offspring of others who are or may be even other countries.
But the interesting thing would be to know the name of the real winners of this war.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Signs Of Mental Abuse

Pictures for the History of Ecological Group of Piedrabuena Cantueso.

This photo shows several members of the ecological group Cantueso Piedrabuena, Ciudad Real and other environmentalists Portuguese because of the camping and linkage to the Ministry of Environment of Madrid as a form of protest against the National Hydrological Plan that the government of José María Aznar and the Minister Isabel Tocino proposed. The theme was "38 days chained up." In addition to the banner of the river we had others like Bullaque Real City Airport or the Tajo-La Mancha that was made there and you can see in this blog.

Wild Thornberrys Rescue Game Online

Pictures for the History of Ecological Group Anea Villarrubia de los Ojos.

the Ecological Group of Villarrubia de los Ojos came the summer of 1992. Before there had been other groups, namely Wadi ACUEVI and Anas. The name we chose was "Association for the Study and Protection of Nature, Anea" with a clear influence of the journal Quercus. In this fragment of a photograph of the author is unknown to me appears Jerez Oscar Garcia Jesus Muñoz Cabrera and myself. English TV cameraman, who appears in a notebook writing down something is Juan Olmeda and the journalist is Rosa.
gathering would be interesting to all photographic images, videos, various documents and memories of the protagonists. By the way, if anyone knows the author of the picture I would love to include your name and other names and names of others in that picture.
It was a place to recover the cattle trails in the Sierra de Villarrubia de los Ojos, Ciudad Real. Of that activity is derived unintended consequences as several trials. One of the trials took place in July 1998 in Coldstream.

Japanesetrain tikan

The "shutdown" Americans came to "Earthobservatory" ...

According to an email the "shutdown" in the U.S. is imminent "Earth Observatory " NASA. Interesting ...

Friday, April 8, 2011

How To Stop Squeaking Sandles

Why environmentalists are the environmentalists?

Why environmentalists are the environmentalists? Might be a simple yes or why and why not? or what not? meaning that can not be otherwise. But we must make the effort to answer this question apparently so simple if we know what it means to be green, how to produce the drift of a lifestyle commensurate with the society in which we live to a desire, an attempt or effort to change the world.
addition to a large group of people who almost since birth have felt a deep fascination with the natural world leads them to want to know, enjoy it and keep it I believe there must be other motivations that are important. For example, there are many people who have been captivated by the speech, image, or the doing of others and in Spain the most relevant figure is still Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente.
In an increasingly large group would include people who have come out of conviction after an examination of certain realities, disciplines or subjects. It would be a form of intellectual background, academic or professional. Thus, a citizen who had not previously had a special provision to the love or the preservation of nature after learning processes and data seems logical to raise awareness. The phrase, after two thousand years, better still reflects this phenomenon is that of Catullus's "Knowing everything is love everything" (as they often quote from memory the author and the sentence). For example, does not value the Industrial and Mining Heritage, perhaps even despised-up is not known. Obviously there are degrees and not all people are in the same stadium.
Following the saying "think wrong and be right "I think there are too self-interested environmentalists, for convenience or necessity.'s not the same be against destroying dams that can destroy or change the life of the rivers must be, because it to flood your people, your home, your church, cemetery, school, your place ... Within this modality should be clearly distinguished from that need, emergency or direct involvement of interest or convenience, more nuanced and less negative understandable and forgivable. The case of some national political, regional, provincial or municipal governments is clear.
Without excluding other categories I think there is a considerable group People who openly declared military or environmentalists with a sense of guilt at or near certain remedies. Without being the case, but for its graphic value a person of widths, Ciudad Real for which he had special admiration, Uncle Paul, said it stopped being hunter once shot a venao and saw the animal cried ... Well, there are many "well, let's leave it at" some "because in Spain there is more than the football crowd and a little over-osseous some people who have felt guilty or responsible for certain personal or family activities. On the one hand, some have wanted to "atone" for their potential guilt. Furthermore, algotros, they say in Los Montes, have wanted to spy on the new movement, in time, intervene, interfere, manipulate, imposing silence, mislead, divert and, somehow, to prevent the talk, criticize or pursue its own sake. This, it might seem a mere vagary, has much more substance than it might seem. There have been spies and environmentalists are strictly a word in the service of big power, not so great and the political parties.
On one occasion, an ecologist from a small town made me a very critical analysis of all members of the environmental group the next village. At first it seemed a simple attack, but the funny thing is that made sense and to a certain likelihood. Then over time I've seen pros and cons to this interpretation but it certainly has some interesting pros. In addition I have met more people, I have delved into some issues including concerns me most, my self and I think it is so easy to answer honestly the question of why we are ecologists and environmentalists.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Famous People Antisocial Personality Disorder

We at war as if we were a movie ... to see actors overacting.

We at war as if we were a movie ... to see actors overacting. Nothing happens. No problem. Occasional small demonstration and little else. The actors in the world, as usual, nivelazo and your major concerns in the bag at their companies and their accounts and rich costumes. Politicians in yours. Enough citizens have with the day to day and month-end and holidays and stuff as important as a succession of a president of government within a few months.
The war continues and the state and national response has been IP, osea invaluable. There followed demo, minutes of silence, white hands, manifestos, cuts traffic or sleeves, sitting, puffing, pans and other curious forms of childish tantrum-like situations that are now ignored. When I say I say childish tantrum because if they were really protests that occurred in Spain few years ago are now producing again but demonstrated that it was a struggle of party, one more play to try to win an election outside the electoral calendar. But war and peace did not matter. And the arguments, talk, speeches hollow data more or less close to reality ... leave it at that, extravagant, intentional forgetfulness or made the Longui or Swedish, camouflage, drama, interest, hypocrisy, sham, snack or lying crude. Pictured

painted in Lisbon in 2009.