Saturday, August 30, 2008

Can Dogs Contract Herpes?


"If lack of justice, which is the state but organized robbery?" - San Agustin

"Undue political intervention of regional (and national) in the appointment, promotion or termination of insurance tax sets the stage for impunity "


accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the Convention, the Colombian State as a State Party is obliged to "ensure the existence of a body independent authority to implement policies against corruption and promote good practice against it. "

corresponds to the independent body implementing policies:

"coordinated and effective anti-corruption policies that promote the participation of society and reflect the principles of rule of law, proper management of public affairs and public property, integrity, transparency and accountability. "

also corresponds to that body, as appropriate:

"the supervision and coordination of the implementation of those policies"

In the 2nd paragraph. Article 6 º. of The Convention stresses the obligation of each State Party to provide:

"the body or bodies mentioned in the 1st paragraph of this article the necessary independence, in accordance with the fundamental principles of its legal system so they can play their functions effectively and without any undue influence "

Although you can get a positive assessment of the progress and achievements of
Presidential Program of Modernization, Efficiency, Transparency and Combat Corruption [1] , it as a dependency Administrative Department President of the Republic, headed by a free appointment and removal of the President of the Republic (now under the guidance of Vice President of the Republic), does not meet the fundamental condition of independence referred to the Convention.

The fulfillment of this obligation acquired by the Colombian government as part of the Convention is more relevant when considering the current context of investigations and allegations regarding the relationship of politicians, civil servants and armed groups operating outside the law. The creation of this independent body would also contribute to the international credibility of the efforts of the Colombian State in that direction. For the effect, not only have to create the appropriate body but, as envisaged by paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Convention:

", should be provided material resources and personnel necessary and the training that such staff may require for the performance of their duties. "


scaling of corruption and state capture by paramilitary groups in alliance with politicians occurs at regional and local levels, but is associated with the widespread failure of national services, justice and security.

Prosecutors must advance criminal investigations and accusations act at regional level but are national staff belonging to the Administration of Justice. Undue political intervention of regional (and national) in the appointment, promotion or termination of insurance tax sets the stage for impunity. Therefore, as highlighted in the report GTZ-MTH:

"The career system in the Attorney General's Office, referred to the Constitution (art.253) and the Convention (arts.7 and 11 ), would strengthen the independence of this institution and to minimize the vulnerability of its officials. A system of selection, retention and promotion of staff of the Prosecutor based on "principles of efficiency, transparency and objective criteria such as merit, equity and aptitude" not only constitutes the best guarantee of effectiveness in the prosecution of corruption but generally required for effective human rights system that enshrines and protects the constitution and the treaties that form the block of constitutionality.

Moreover, it is necessary to protect the administration of justice (including prosecution) related pressures its budget, access to resources, downsizing, restructuring or reorganizations that create uncertainties or make it vulnerable to pressure (direct or indirect) of current or potential research subjects, or criminal prosecution.

III. ENSURE THE SAFETY OF JUDGES, PROSECUTORS, complainants, witnesses, expert witnesses and collaborators of justice - to make active risky OBSTRUCT (OR NOT COOPERATE WITH) THE JUSTICE

Impunity is the result of a scenario in which there is low (or no) risk in the activity of criminals and their accomplices and accessories, while judges, prosecutors, complainants, witnesses, experts and collaborators of justice are exposed to risks from the loss of their jobs (and / or revenue) to the loss of life or integrity (physical or moral). Ending impunity that scenario requires investment risks become highly dangerous criminal activity not only directly but obstruction of justice (and non-cooperation with the law) and to create conditions of safety and security of judges, prosecutors, complainants , witnesses, expert witnesses and collaborators of justice [2] . As highlighted in the report, already cited:

"The Convention (Art. 32) requires States parties to take appropriate measures to protect witnesses experts and victims of the offenses under the Convention against potential retaliation or intimidation. The standard includes provisions on physical protection of such persons, including relocation, to permit the total or partial disclosure of information concerning the identity and whereabouts, to establish evidentiary rules to permit testimony in safety, including testimony by communication technologies such as video or other appropriate means, and opportunity to be presented and considered the views and concerns of victims. "

The recent decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice are a milestone in the effort to reverse the risk scenario and end impunity. It is likely that criminals and their accomplices and accessories currently evaluating this scenario. Also, potential complainants and witnesses are wondering if now is the time to cooperate with the law or if, after their statements will be left to the action (retaliation) of criminals. The National Commission for Reparation and Reconciliation (NCRR) indicates that even at the time of updating this report, 140 of the victims of the paramilitaries have been intimidated [3] .

In this context:

1. Assistance and intervention of international cooperation is essential to reinforce or strengthen efforts in this direction;

2. It is necessary to protect the evidence of crimes related to corruption, violation of human rights and crimes against humanity. This requires that the prosecutors have the most advanced technical and operational support, elite groups of forensic experts, media and forensic anthropologists, accountants, auditors, engineers and other professionals and access to bank information and the movement of assets in the country and abroad;

3. In the fight against corruption and state capture by powerful groups (armed and unarmed, legal and illegal domestic regional or local) is necessary to use the legal system has already generated a major collaboration of financial institutions to detect money laundering transactions related to drug trafficking. All financial institutions are required to have a Comprehensive Prevention of Money Laundering (SIPLA) and necessarily must report suspicious transactions to the Unit for Research and Financial Analysis (UIAF).

staff of financial institutions should receive specific training on the nature, characteristics, volume and frequency of transactions of political parties, political campaigns and public servants specifying the level of risk, type of product or services they provide, origin or destination of their operations and any other criteria for classifying these customers in the market range within which it fits. This segmentation would identify the common characteristics of transactions to detect unusual or suspicious transactions and report them to perform immediately. Upon

process information and training mentioned above, the Attorney General may consider opening a criminal investigation in cases where employees or directors of financial institutions or credit unions, fail to comply with the established control mechanisms.


In the process described in "State Capture" to regional and local level, not just those who are involved or get the status of "public servants" but is largely the result of negotiation between individuals. Therefore, the crime of "trafficking in influence" is essential, as is required in the art. 18 of the Convention, that the typical description, the active and passive subject of the action are undefined: "any person." This allows a very deep penalizing traffic influences: negotiation, outside the State, decisions and public resources. As highlighted in the report GTZ - MTH, for a procurement process can "negotiate" (or buy) the influence:

"directly with a local political boss, regional or national level without the direct involvement of employees will take appropriate decisions. Even the negotiation may consist precisely regardless of open and competitive process (competitive bidding, negotiations under way on the stock exchange, etc). In these cases, the staff (with the functions but without the power or independence necessary) but also participates in the commission of the crime, is actually a passive instrument to its protocol, in charge of decisions, the influence negotiated by those with real power to buy and sell public decisions. "

Unfortunately, on the contrary, in Colombia in the art. 411 of the New Penal Code, which defines only the traffic offense when a person influences the behavior is a "public servant" - was decriminalized conduct defined as a crime under art. Previous 147 of the Penal Code (Legislative Decree 100 of 1980) and anti-corruption statute (Act 190 of 1995, art. 25). Under these provisions was defined as a crime, unspecified active subject, the form of influence peddling that is sought or accepted improper benefits.

The mode that promise, offering or giving undue benefits to buy influence, real or perceived, in government or state authority, has not been defined as a crime under Colombian criminal legislation in force. The individual who attempts to buy undue influence over decisions or resources should not commit any crime. On the contrary, your transaction is specially protected: The crime of fraud (which protects the legal right of "economic assets" and is defined in Art. 246 Criminal Code), the minimum penalty tax for those who cheat (induce or maintained in error) using as a means of invoking such influences "real or simulated" will be twice the fool who apply by other means (Articles 247, item 3) [4]


The above recommendations are specifically intended to prevent the "Agreements" (implicit or explicit) that allow the frame to the regional level corruption local, to include officials and institutions of control.

Without the independence of the prosecuting officers is unthinkable that they can start and stay ahead of criminal investigations for crimes directly related to corruption in procurement and management of public resources such as embezzlement, bribery (bribery), the malfeasance, extortion, undue conclusion of contracts trafficking in influence, illicit enrichment, abuse of authority, and crimes related to obstruction of justice, the assurance of impunity and the use of proceeds of corruption, such as money laundering, the front men, failure to control financial institutions and cooperatives, falsehood and crimes against the evidence.

Similarly, without the independence of officials of the Attorney and territorial comptrollers is unthinkable that they can anticipate the disciplinary faults incurred by officials who allow and / or benefiting from corruption and tax liability suits to protect public property.

However, the independence of officials from the Justice Department, the Attorney, the Comptroller (and of course, the judicial branch) is a necessary (indispensable) but not enough. Required to support capacity building (knowledge, skills) of these officials, civil society and private sector to prevent, investigate and promote the prosecution corruption in local and regional level. Also requires a framework of cooperation between them.

control agencies, civil society and the private sector requires an institutional and capacity development to "break the alliance" under the "cartelization" of politics and business

Although many of the failures can attributed to the legislation (and this is a fundamental aspect in the implementation of the Convention UNCAC), you can create regional and local level capacity and conditions for cooperation to combat corruption in departments and municipalities. The final part of this report highlights the fundamental aspects to be considered in the design and implementation of this strategy.
[1] Article 6 of Decree 519 of 2003 amending Article 10 of Decree 127 of 2001. The program was created by Decree 2405 of November 30, 1998

[2] The National Commission for Reparation and Reconciliation (NCRR) indicates that 140 of the victims of the paramilitaries have been intimidated.

[3] El Tiempo, March 23, 2007
[4] ARTICLE 247 - Aggravating Circumstances. The penalty prescribed in the preceding article shall be four (4) to eight (8) years when: (...) 3 .- invoke real or simulated influences on the pretext or in order to obtain a public benefit in case it is dealing or has to deal.



Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Arrows Without Fletching

Bicing: a tax?

For several days I have a problem as Bicing user. I turn a charge corresponding to 42 euros a night, twelve hours, supposedly I've been cycling around the city. I have been in contact with Bicing ten times through phone calls and emails and the result is always the same: to pay and then submit a claim to be studied and, perhaps, there is refund of unduly paid. I could not return the bill because the system used for charging the credit card, which are presumed to have consented to the charges given the card number, and the bank I subjected to the same scheme: charge note and letter to the owner card stating the grounds of abuse of office and, if deemed, return of the collection. Read news

response, the client is helpless, I am being subjected to the same legal status by paying a debt to a private company if it were a tax. The maxim estoppel tax (paid and then recur).

But subjecting a user to pay any charge abuse and having to endure the pilgrimage Bicing telephone and bank, and then an appeal, it seems excessive. Of course I will claim both Bicing and the administration, because it is unacceptable to use my card, provided in good faith, to support charges manifestly improper. I wonder: what if they had been 1,000 or 2,000 euros?

Making Miniature Castles

Bicing a service next to the illegality

In March 2007, was introduced in Barcelona a new environmentally friendly public transportation service: Bicing. A year earlier, the municipal public company BSM had tendered Bicing granting a tender base budget of 55 million euros, which was given to the advertising company Clear Channel for a figure less than half the legal. To manage the service is outsourced to Dolphin Group which, in turn, hired workers and means by CCB and Movement companies, all advertising.
Read news

Since Bicing was put into operation, have succeeded one followed by complaints of unfair dismissal, for lack of working conditions and hygienic or misinformation about the toxicity of cleaning graffiti from bicycles. In this situation, I wonder: How can a municipal transportation service is operated by advertising companies? And, indeed, within a framework of outsourcing bordering on illegality, who is responsible? This seems an assembly made up to prevent anyone from getting wet hands

Sunfish Freshwater Facts What They Eat

OS DEJO THIS LINK! Language Policy

leave this link for you to look at the maintenance service de clear channel

agradecimientos a /bicingbcn

E000002-0000 Cannon Error

Segons la llei de Política Lingüística, les empreses i entitats públiques o privades que ofereixen serveis públics, com ara les de transport, i també les empreses que han subscrit un concert amb la Generalitat o amb les corporacions locals, han d´emprar almenys el català en la retolació. Malgrat que tothom sap el que s´entèn per Bicing, no em sembla que la paraula s´ajusti precisament a la legislació.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Af But Cervix High And Soft?

i kissed girl-katy perry

This was never the way I planned
is not my intention
I got so brave, drink in hand
Lost my discretion It's not what
that I am used to
just want to prove to you
I'm curious for you caught my attention

She kissed a girl and I liked
The taste of her cherry chapstick I
kissed a girl just to try
I hope my boyfriend do not mind

It felt so wrong It felt so right
does not mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it I liked

not even know his name

not matter Your my experimental game Just

human 's not what, good girls do
is not how they should behave

I kissed a girl and I liked
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try
I hope my boyfriend do not mind

She felt so bad
It felt so right
does not mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked
I liked girls we are so magical

Soft skin, red lips,
Hard to resist so touching

Too good to deny it Is not no big thing, is innocent
I kissed a girl and I liked
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try
I hope my boyfriend do not mind

It felt so wrong It felt so right

does not mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it I liked

Solution To Financial Accounting Libby, 5th

not get lost in the past ....

take care of this

will not want to lose more than what you have already lost

spend time on things that really matter

not waste my life crying for someone who was never there ...
best -lose who you are with you

just follow

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Actresses With Green Eyes

is not impossible it was now possible ....

but the pain that this would cause ...

was not one hour but a second one that killed my hope,

a single word and a damn action ...

was all you needed to destroy a beautiful dream

which now only ashes remain,

may no longer anything which the wind has

was all a ilucion ...

the glass is broken as well as your veins,

and has been roscio your blood ...

your angels have come to me ...

and today I
them back with broken wings and soul


if curiosity killed the cat, who do you think killed now ...?