Sunday, December 26, 2010

How To Make Janam Kundli


few months ago, devoted a series of posts to discuss some learn to manage resources for the Web 2.0 . In dedicated to the ability to "save " and retrieve information easily found on the Internet that is relevant to us, I spoke Delicious.

With the announcement of the forthcoming closure of this tool, it's time to update this post and leave ready for change, if you do not want to lose the information that we had saved so far.

So the first thing we have to do is export we have saved links on delicious, and then find an alternative that fits our needs. You know, in this world we live in, change is constant and we must learn to adapt ... I have to learn to use Evernote ...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Casual Evening Attire


As you have found, lately I costs rather sit down and update the blog, ignoring the advice of Ed Bennet constantly publish or not publish at all. I have shelved my other demons, and how terrible is that my retirement has spread to the real world.

So, I have been fatal to all the people waiting see on 20 November at the I Meeting of the Basque Health Blogosphere that finally I could not attend. ( I'm so sorry! ). Fortunately, one of the benefits of losing events related to the 2.0 world is that those who did were, give us their stories about them and we can be aware of everything that happened .

Nor was the 12th of November at the Conference on Innovation participatory Health, held at the Hospital de Cruces. I did not listen to Jens Peter Jensen, Director of Projects Midtlab , discuss the approach to health innovation the central region of Denmark. In this case, we can find a summary blog Komplex and another in the hospital newsletter , but not the presentations, so we are left with the desire to delve into the subject ( is bad miss events! ).

Finally, I must also confess that I went to the Hotel Nervión of Bilbao on 1 December to hear the Minister of Health conference, "New challenges and solutions for Basque Health." In this case, we abstract that we offer from within Bilbao (apparently, made any mention of the strategy chronicity in Euskadi), .

I can not promise that events continue to be lost. However, try not to let so much time between blog posts ... We'll see if I get it!