Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pregnancy Using Oarl Jell

Camping in Ciudad Real (R) Five hundred years

In the Plaza Mayor de Ciudad Real is a group of people who, like the rest of Spain, expressed their outrage and their desire to major policy changes. What most struck me is that until today, May 19, 2011, Thursday, there has been no means of comuniciación. Among the banners and posters that are on the facade of the City is very ironic and very funny. On a card, for example, are written the many things they have told himself King Alfonso X the Wise to the campers during the night of insomnia.
is appreciated that the council has not put any hits this initiative but has not been allowed to tents. Moreover, one of the camping me that are independent of "real democracy now" and that have information on the Internet. Today will have a meeting at eight o'clock.
seems clear, after hearing several radio stations this morning that the news of the day is it and that the forms of value are very different.
The vacuum of newspapers, radios, televisions and agencies on this movement is truly eloquent and shows where we are for real.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Same Birthday Couples

José Bono ...

him again today that José Bono, from his vast repertoire of nonsense, falsehoods, lies, insults or attempts. It takes many years talking about Five hundred years without justice and dignity in Castilla-La Mancha. It is seen that these dates are approximate and mobile. Is that until he arrived there was no wonderful people that it was worth and respect. It is seen that there was no dignity ... It is seen that the year should have begun milquinientosnosecuál all evil ... It is seen that Castilla-La Mancha and was then and that was well above that bone ... if there was six hundred years ago an extraordinary people, governed democratically and without problems ... Sometimes he and other politicians have come to identify these five centuries with Aznar and the Popular Party ... what health! What longevity! How well preserved!

What Kind Of Lipstick Does Kat Von D

real democracy and political opportunists and some on the night of May 18, 2011.

After quickly view several television news at nine o'clock tonight, May 18, 2011, Wednesday observed some opportunistic politicians. I especially have drawn attention to the words of Felipe González Márquez and José Bono Martínez. Draws attention to its chameleonic attitude than anything else. Now they say that they find interesting about this movement that calls for political reforms instituted and consolidated them for decades ... This is just the opposite of what is required for these initiatives. Surprised by the silence of the Prime Minister of Spain and most of the regions at these events. Call attention to the television channel Intereconomía follow up on foot and street balcony over other chains-chains, which continue with their regular programming. I was surprised positively and the coverage of the press in the countries around us with titles much more daring than the English. The silence of Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba is also very sound. I miss the view of people like the writer and professor José Luis Sampedro and people who study these issues for years.
different adjectives and epithets that are launched from Intereconomía least sospechosillos ... osea, sidereal. In
youtube and facebook is cool stuff but, at the first glance, not seem so motivating me to explain what is happening.
On television talking about the prohibitions of the Board of Elections. I do not know the reality and the legal framework, but it would be interesting for someone to explain.
Honestly, I'd be there ...

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What is real democracy now?

Through a friend and network have been hearing about what has been termed as a social movement. I search on Google and displays first a result which should address a website with that name "real democracy now." For reasons unknown I can not connect to the site. Looking at the English Wikipedia and there is already an entry with information and links. The radio
've heard different opinions of journalists and politicians. Then English television I have seen a story about the coordinator of United Left, Cayo Lara, members of this initiative in Manchester.
seems the biggest question that is emerging in many people is the opportunity or the moment in which we proceed to conduct rallies, demonstrations and camped a few days of local and regional elections. Is also saying that this is a move to the left of the imminent victory of the right. Also
being labeled too quickly to this "embryo" of motion-that with all due respect, as a leftist, anarchist, anti-system and other similar qualifiers.
In my opinion it is too premature to talk about these actions and these people. On the other hand I think it should not be so important and so negative that a group of people camped in a central location such as Puerta del Sol de Madrid where, as it seems, maintain respectful attitudes and behaviors. The rally of the PSOE's end of season, under the Plaza Mayor, with the prime minister at the head, has been rescheduled on another stage more distant.
disqualify without even knowing these people and their ideas does not seem not the best way of doing politics.
other hand, attentive and astonished at what is happening in the Arab world, now our turn to arbitrate, at least, forms of dialogue and serious attempts at understanding.
far I've read, what is required is neither strange nor as utopian or at least should not be. Yes it is, of course, complex and difficult but, as the Greeks said two thousand years ago, "is pretty difficult."
Some of the requests for "real democracy and" would require amending the legislation. In some cases, ask for something as important as the law is changed election that favors the most popular parties or the party representation is the equivalent to the number of votes or open lists ...
I am sure that the two major parties numerically speaking, the Popular Party and the English Socialist Workers Party are not even remotely accept these proposals, moreover, come from very old. Bipartisanship is very convenient for those about two-thirds of the electorate but, in practice, expelled from government institutions to one third, capturing more than a critique of power and funds.

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Bye, bye, facebook ... Increases

Bye, bye, facebook! I'm sorry if it'sa problem for Anyone of my friends. If you want to talk to me, just write to me. Thank you for your frienship. My email is

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Akiba Online diaper

rumors about new pay cuts to civil service.

As we get closer to local and regional elections of May 22, 2011 and the summer are increasing rumors about the new civil service pay cuts. Since the government is said to be false and denies any trade union but its credibility has been severely damaged after three years of contradictions and changes of mind and action.
If the hoax was only an electoral strategy would seem to me so bad and reprehensible as if it were a simple concealment or elctorales also delay purposes by the government.
As it is confirmed once again the inconsistency of confidence in our politicians and the system we call democracy.
course the rumor exists and we do not know if the risk too.

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The Ministry of Education of the JCCM monitors and blocks Internet access to teachers.

For at least two weeks, teachers from the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha we are facing the unpleasant surprise of not being able to access many Internet addresses. It seems that he has set up a system of control and blocking from within the Ministry. The situation is really demotivating and may pose serious harm for teachers but especially for students.
Where is the repeated desire of politicians to modernize the education system? Where is the promise of better education system for Europe? Why do we serve the wireless connection, the laptop teachers and students and the whiteboards?

Monday, May 16, 2011

How To Get Honeycombs In Jeans

The calling environment in the electoral program called "democracy" ...

I'm reading the electoral programs (to call in the manner usually accepted) that are falling on my hands. The environment is caricatured in a loo at all sad that I have read so far. To that I would not call Environment but "nano environment" or street cleaning issues the best. But given that we speak of what we call Democracy is the "tulicren" as a contribution to the science of gastronomy. I heard that the lists of the major parties of Ciudad Real, and maybe some more are, somehow, operated by the lord of the manor. What to name names if it does not matter, we are human and at the end, what it is to survive.

But little things like this aside, the concept of environment that appears in these informative materials and propaganda is a striking inconsistency. It is as if we lived in one of the paved streets, I suppose, Disneyland and were a simple matter of cosmetics in the face of customers ...

Do Men Wear Girdles To Exercise

Presentation of the book on the history of the Spanish Environmentalism Pedro Costa Morata

The Wednesday, May 25, 2011, at seven and a half, will be the presentation of the book by Pedro Costa Morata in the MCC room Albacete (Calle San Jose de Calasanz). The book title is "Praised : 100 battles. Environment and Society in Spain in recent " New Library Publishing. Morata
Pedro is one of the fathers of environmentalism English and this book presents those hundred battles of that movement in Spain, appeared in the early seventies and in spite of everything and the weight of the super-impressive, still exists.

Some links on Pedro Costa Morata:

Lorca prosecutor requested a fine of 18,000 euros against Pedro Costa for exposing corruption urban development of the coastal towns of Murcia ...
Pedro Costa leads the Greens-IU ...
Attack in Extremadura ...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Earliest Time To Change Earrings

Hundred Years of Cheap Houses in Spain, 1911-2011.

Within days, on 12 June 2011 marks one hundred years of Cheap Houses in Spain. Alfonso XIII reigned when it enacted the "Law June 12, 1911 TWD to construction of cheap houses." This bill was the cornerstone on which would begin to build those buildings with a distinctly social. The idea and practice came from other neighboring countries (remember, for example this groundbreaking book "How the Other Halves Live" and conceptions hygienists). The law was amended on December 29, 1914 and January 4, 1917 by two laws and the July 3 by a Royal decree. Its regulation was published on May 14, 1921, and over the following decades, talked, discussed, it was legislated and in many cases, it was built.
That law left his mark on the cityscape. Towns and cities they saw those neighborhoods that used to receive name of "affordable homes". Most were built after the Civil War and many, the vast majority remain.
Some scholars maintain that these buildings should be retained as a representative sample of ways of doing things.
There is a general ignorance about the origin of these policies and spreads the idea that it was one more of the projects from ex novo during the Franco regime, being in fact a continuation of the previous period.
The social value of these homes from the planning point of view at virtually zero, as in many other respects, indeed. The litofilia remains hegemonic in so-called media, the so-called Culture and the English Educational System. However
must not forget who we are or where we come from. He said the deceased professor, doctor and professor at University College López Sánchez Lorenzo homes of the workers who built the cathedral of Burgos had not been retained but have been as interesting as his work. We can not dismiss or ignore these samples of our recent past as an integral and important part of our heritage.
studies have been conducted on this subject as Pedro Ortega Gil entitled " cheap houses (The work of the Institute of Social Reforms)," the editorial Iustel, Madrid, published in 2006 with 396 pp.
It is likewise interesting to read the relevant legislation, including the collection was published in 1921 under the title " Act of June 12, 1911 on building affordable homes ..." Social Reform Institute and published in Madrid with 76 pages.
In my opinion, I think it's important to talk out loud about these issues. When impart the issue of Urban Geography at the Faculty of Education in different subjects try to devote at least a minute Cheap Houses. Most of my students do not know the true age of these laws and their rationale. Nobody seems to have ever heard talk about it. I seem to see or feel much of a surprise and a sort of instant recall on some faces. No student, until today, I have included or discussed these works in your municipality work on talking about heritage or educational use of urban issues.
Finally, the current Spain hiperconstrucción of bricks, of bumburbios , the chaletización and urbanalisation , in Spain at the roundabouts and unnecessary expenditure would be nice to pay some attention to these traces of our past and that he tried to go by also adopting a holistic approach.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Watch Cheaters The Movie

On Liberty to be part of a polling station and strange lessons in democracy from a mayor ... Piedrabuena

in Spain when elections are called starts machinery that makes possible the act. In preparation is the election of members of the polling stations. Of the total electorate is selected people with a certain level of education and carries out a lot. Does not take into account the personal preferences of the elect, the necesiades or desires. A person may not want to be a voting member and does not seem very democratic nor very fair to be forced. Another might want it and not to be named in decades. But the worrying thing for me is where is the freedom of the individual in this type of process called democracy. Without having to explain why I see no reason why you have to obey. If also thought to be a macro-scale deception, a mockery, an insult, an aberration ... why strange bureaucratic plan must comply with an appointment? Should work with a system that does not create and does not guarantee basic rights? Should not respect the right to conscientious voter? Do not have a right to do what we want the day in question without having to give explanations, without making excuses or use other tricks? What we call freedom?
says a mayor in a letter to the neighbors that he votándole to get the right to criticize ... I find it verging on criminal. What to criticize in a political system calling itself democratic we should vote for a certain candidate? Regrettable and shameful. Indeed. that person takes about sixteen years of rule over some of MP and is not characterized precisely by its acceptance of criticism or to respect rights such as freedom of expression or press freedom.
And we must communicate with millstones in a democratic election that was not it? Are we or are we not free? Much criticism of the previous period and continue with a traits and ways of doing things clearly authoritarian and dictatorial.
Like other times I have said, come on ...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Best Foundation For Acne 2010

Storm, forty years later.

the fourteenth day of May 1971, at noon, a cloud fell hard on Piedrabuena. It appears that heavy rain was concentrated from the nose of the Arzollosa to the town. For an hour and a half estubo falling water. At one point lower than the streets were flooded and water entered many houses. In Polin bar known as the water reached a meter in height. This bar was in the corner of Calle Real and the road from Ciudad Real. From that point of discharge, as a few meters was a stream, the water reached the street corner with Calle Real Cantarranas. According
tells me Sacedón Vicente García-Rodríguez, known as Vincent "the saddle", no hail, just water, but lots and entered many village houses. At Cuatro Caminos, the road of Pozuelos and Porzuna down the road a lot of water and what is now the residence and the school down real streams.
Fortunately no casualties.
The date is remembered by many people because it is the eve of the Pilgrimage of San Isidro. On several occasions I have heard what happened and I have often thought how dangerous these situations more related to human activities with the weather. That is, a very strong storm has a number of risks. Perhaps the most imposed is that of lightning. In addition to the damage that can cause heavy rain or hail are real risks for people who are added or multiplied by a number of factors. One square meter of flat land tends to retain water. If the substrate is porous can absorb a certain amount. If the material is impermeable produced a total runoff. If the surface has an inclination the possibility of being absorbed by the ground and the vegetation decreases. So far it looks like a very basic question. If human beings construct and waterproof the floor every liter of water that flows down to the lowest points. If it rains hard or too much water flows in turn stronger and speed. If you have not taken account of these realities that situation of danger. Ie as a town or city grow drains should grow proportionately. If adjoining land are deforested or cultivated runoff also increase.
There are still more risk factors that are almost unbelievable if not for the seriousness of the consequences. A simple plastic bags are enough to block a simple drain and cause serious hazards. Sometimes the obstacles it has been generating human beings become real traps. Walls, fences, vehicles, piles of earth dams make store water and end up increasing the flow and yield strength ...
In Piedrabuena, for example, that point located between the building of Unicaja and "Johnny Disco" is very dangerous. How far I have knowledge, underground drainage was much higher than expected and the bed of the stream is now antigui calllejón. I've always missed signs and signals indicative of the danger of this space in case of heavy rains. I think the general public is aware of that risk but it should install these informational signs.
I think that prevention is very important and that these curious ephemera should serve us better. In
memory is-or should be, the sad memory of the twenty dead in the flood of Valdepeñas ... a village on the plains of La Mancha ... or the hundreds of deaths of the famous tag Consuegra, also known as "the Consuegra was coming. " Villarrubia was also in a few years ago real danger situations that were solved by many neighbors kindly and professionals who were working in those difficult times.
I remember these events and try to draw lessons for the poresente and the future is very important.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pregnancy Using Oral Gel

exemplary local and regional elections to represent the void. Comrades

The next day, May 22, 2011 will be held local and regional elections in Spain. This is an election to represent and illustrate exemplary vacuum. If you travel a few miles and go through towns and cities see the same posters and banners with the same pictures and the same slogan. These slogans are so general and impersonal that could be used by any person, political group, company, institution or association. Sometimes even jokes remind us more or less known as "you if you serve" or purely commercial messages or choruses of songs like "The important thing you ". I remember the refrain of the English Transition" with a sentence not win a people nor a poet disguise ... "by Mary Ostiz ... what right and deep!
In a Spain economic crisis, with about five million people unemployed, with major challenges, with a portion of his army in wars and conflicts in the territories of others ... as far as our politicians say and repeat and have the same nonsense and vagueness each day or become embroiled in "and you more."
To date I have not received any electoral program, no leaflet, pamphlet, magazine, booklet or message beyond photograph of a candidate ...
Indeed, propaganda is generally around a photograph of a person when in fact what it is or should try to choose teams ... But it is also in municipal and regional elections of provincial- now speak, of what it should be discussed is very specific issues, real problems, of pragmatic policies that have nothing to do with the vacuum and general discourse.
As provincial elections is curious that such schemes continue to be maintained nineteenth century. Are elections without voters. They stew it and eat them. Voters choose mayors and councilors and they then engage their own battles and set their own strategies to choose provincial deputies. Indeed, no messages, no programs or policies as such but a single tournament in camera. The booty, juicy, hides the rest of mortals. Equis posts, benches, seats, salaries and fees for very little power.
So, I still think it's best not to vote. Perhaps to a very high abstention be able to take measures to ensure that truth has firm proposals for substantial changes.
Either way, the vacuum is served and appears to have many followers.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cellulitis Spread To Knee

of Education at the Teacher Training USA "Pablo Montesinos" in Madrid

's been twenty years from just our studies in the former Teacher Training College Teacher Training "Pablo Montesinos in Madrid. The school was in Trinity Street, the underground Church. It seems that this school, like the rest, were closed and began teaching at the Faculty of Education.
Through Facebook we have "found" some peers. It would be interesting to try to get together, or simply virtual contacts. The list is incomplete but I hope your help. I think the years were 1981-1982, 1983-1984 and specialty 1982-1983- English and French Philology.
put a parenthesis asterisk if you have email or telephone contact. If you find this list in the network, leave a message or try to contact in Facebook. My email is .
Sorry for the oversights and slips, time does not happen in vain and the memory is ...

The list, as you will see, is incomplete. Missing names ...

Agapito Gil Abad.
Ana Adela
Miguel Angel Hernandez. (*) Maria Iglesias
Oteo de Tejada (*)

María del Carmen Lozano.

Mercedes Yolanda Portugal.
Primitivo (he was as free in first)

Antonio. Maria Paz
María Pilar Serrano de la Morena. (*)
María Pilar Arias. (*) Francisco Javier
Teresa Perez.

María Jesús. Francisco Zamora
Soria. (*)

Some of our teachers were

Jaime García Padrino. Children's Literature. Soledad
.- Pedagogy.
Mr. Parra-Pedagogy.
Mr. Green-English "Aurelio?
Mr. Siles-English

Marisa? - English
Jesus? - English
Francisco Oquendo. -Language
Mr Wolf-Sociology of Education. Andrew Thomas
Tripero .- Psychology.

Maria Luisa-History of English
Mary Sorrows - Mathematics Education
Marcelo "" Teaching of Art Education.
"" Natural Science Teaching.
? "Teaching of Social Sciences.

? "Teaching Physical Education.
?-Religion. (Optional)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Throatthick Discharge

Florencio Sanchez, a escultecto Piedrabuena. What China

Florencio Sanchez is one of those artists who did not go through the Academy. Painting, decorating, sculpting and try to capture the shapes of nature and society that will attract all kinds of material used. Florencio has exposed several times and continues to work shape their memories. In the photograph, Florencio with a full-length portrait in particular "study."

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Earliest Time To Change Earrongs

purchase when you buy "debt" Spanish? About

What purchase when you buy "debt" English? I do not need many explanations. In addition to silence, smiles where there should be a gesture of gravity at least, is being purchased complicity.
euronorteamericanas Now that bombs are thrown against an army (and people) that attack their own people remember those scenes so gruesome of 1989 Tiananmen Square ...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Egg Invitations Embroidery

declared assassination of Osama Bin Laden by U.S. military

Yesterday, May 2, 2011, Monday, we learned from the so-called media that the U.S. military had killed Osama Bin Laden. First it is striking that has made the "operation" in a foreign country bypassing the rights of that country and the people, violating fundamental rights. Second, as usual, which is nothing but an act of state terrorism in a foreign country is qualified Justice. Third, the curious and so-called "burial" has more shadows than self-identification questions as the body. It is important to remember that several times it has been said or announced the death of Bin Laden and some media even states that has been dead for many years, even before the tragic bombing of the twin towers.
course has not been done but that justice has been "executed" in other words without a trial directly killed several people.
also amazes me that when the event is made public. After a meager Labour party with the most reported that announced death of a son and three grandchildren of Gaddafi and the personal attack on the U.S. president a competitor almost as powerful as he, Donald Trump.
To our knowledge, to Justice through one of the three so-called independent power in our societies, the judiciary. And to the same extent is a matter of international law. A country should not, it is clear that if you can, to intervene in another.
is not guilty is not considered a priori to a terrorist suspect but that there has been no trial. In short, things XXI century reminiscent of cowboys and Indians movies of the twentieth century in what was said that the best Indian was a dead Indian or advocated the hanging and after trial.
Finally one wonders what really think the hundreds of millions of Muslims and how to fit these facts.