Monday, September 27, 2010

Homemade Rabbit Feeder

Quest model perfect quality management.

Donavedian The Avedis University Institute will coordinate a study to determine the best management model to be followed by European hospitals. This project Duke ( Deeping Our Undestarnding of Quality Improvement in Europe ), during which they assess whether the quality system implemented in the schools have a relationship with the outcomes of care, as we have in Medical Journal.

The last time I investigated this matter in an earlier study called MARQuIS ( Methods of Assessing Response to Quality Improvement Strategies ), Concluded that " everything works if done right ." That is, although the model is no wonder no methodologically speaking, this work if there was a very good leadership or the hospital in question was exposed to a certain degree of external pressure which forced them to use risk assessment to help improve safety and quality. Of course, also identified as crucial the involvement of professionals with the model in question.

I do not know if there is a model of perfect quality management. However, I have quite clear that there is nothing worse than not knowing where it leads an organization or the path to be taken to achieve the objectives. So, for now, I am left with the conclusion we came to the project MARQuIS ( have to see the obsession with titles of nobility are in this school! ).

adopt the management model as EFQM, Lean Sigma, seek to obtain ISO certifications, awards for excellent service or visit, even at Disney can serve as a guide for organizations are not absorbed by the day to day and not lose the north. The important thing is not the place full of stamps, but constantly improving the service we provide to the people who come healthcare institutions for help. Such tools can help it, if we implement them, always bearing in mind they are a means and not an end.

As a reward to those who have read to the end this post, I leave you with a song I heard for the first time thanks to Mikel in fitting room on Saturday and that is priceless: Whip my hair by Willow Smith (daughter of Will Smith and sister of the last Karate Kid).
Is not there the figure of the ombudsman for children in the U.S.?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Beste Gaming Moederbord

20N: Meeting of the Basque health blogosphere. Health

The Ensalander Lis announced yesterday and as news spreads like wildfire from blog to blog ... Have not you heard?

On 20 November at the College of Physicians Bizkaia, shall be the first meeting of the Basque health blogosphere. An event that certainly should not miss.

The call is open to all those who want to know a little more about this world and the registration charge, it may be through this email address:

So now you know, book the day with gold lettering on your agenda.

hope to meet you there.

To learn more:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Warts Freezing Recovery

network. Not everything is a lie.

is well known that the Internet can find everything. And it is well known ( even know if this is a widespread practice ), which must be guided by common sense to find that source that we really provide truthful information and quality, especially as health is concerned .

In this article of The Country , delve on this subject and also many examples of reliable sources, give us some guidelines for distinguishing the wheat from the chaff:

Patient Forum advised to check that the page refers to is credited by some quality label (such as Accredited Medical Web College of Physicians of Barcelona or is certified by the Health On the Net Foundation), is reviewed periodically notified of its contents "can never replace the brokering of health professionals", a record of the author, cite sources and update date, and allow contact or exchange ideas with those responsible for the information.

be accessible, relevant personal data in a transparent and accountable , and use a language accessible (those included in the Patient Forum can understand a student of 2 º ESO).
Best reading video, and text messages ", adds the doctor and founder of the Forum, Albert Jovell, which encourages boaters to take a critical spirit:" The data do not have to be true just because they're on the Internet. And in any case will be general information, not the actual history of anyone. "

Ignacio Parada, founder of the network Vi.Vu gives importance to those who generate the content doctors are as the web so be accountable for identifying the number of schools. "One key is to check the General Council of Medical Colleges if a physician is one who claims to be" recommended.

already know: common sense!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Titles About Body Image

Things we have the e-Patients. Hospitals

Lately I have called attention to several posts published in . I recommend that you read, if you lose them:

In the first of them refer to an article published in Annals of Internal Medicine , which reflected the curious case of patients with a stent CADIAC convinced that this was to prevent another heart attack suffered. However, all that doctors had told them is that it may relieve them of chest pain in the future. Do you only hear what we hear ?

In the other, stand a couple of comments to an interesting debate about patient safety in the blog Running a hospital :

  • Jim Conway " Our systems are too complex to expect people to play their extraordinary work perfectly 100% of the time. As leaders, we must implement systems to support a great practice by people who are human and comenterán errors. "
  • In a patient who underwent two surgical errors ten months: "After months suffering the system, I finally had the opportunity to speak with the surgeon. The words had more sense were those describing how bad he felt also that incident we both share in the OR. At last was not alone. "

And so the e-patient Dave concludes: " It breaks my heart to think that the good lives that are ruined by our cultural inability to deal honestly with the mistakes that happen in complex environments. "

To learn more:
What the doctor says and what the patient hears.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vidios De Travesti .com

magnetic. Moodle complies

a Magnet hospital, I know because is an excellent hospital. Sergio López Alonso explains in this editorial , the term was coined in the United States, when, to the nursing shortage and the inability of many healthcare organizations to retain them, began to study what which meant that some schools had no such problems.

Thus, scholars began analyzing the factors that influenced the personal and professional satisfaction of nurses (their status, their role in relation the quality of patient care, the nurse-patient ratio, and responsabildiad autonomy in patient care, flexible schedules, etc.). Then he realized that those centers that job satisfaction was higher in the Magnet hospitals also gave the lowest mortality rates, increased patient satisfaction with nursing care and even a safer environment against industrial accidents.

Thus, the term "magnet hospital" has evolved to mean "excellent hospital", and some of its features : strong leadership, an inclusive management style, autonomy, nurse-physician relationships and positive fluid, adequate resources, professional development opportunity, options for further training and promotion, as Peter tells us L through comment.

You see, happiest workers are the best performing. Even in Forbes magazine agree.

To learn more: magnetic Hospitals
ANCC Magnet Recognition Program
Ditomasi Marianne Conference at the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla.

Today I leave you with a video of someone who probably will also be pleased with their work: Leroy Bejarano. One day this guy Vitoria began posting his videos on the Internet and now is in Miami preparing to leap to fame with a producer of Beyoncé. What do technology!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Is It Dangerous To Wear Super Absorbant Tampons?

8 years old.

On August 20 Moodle met eight years old, so we will devote a space to celebrate. You know that Moodle is a Learning Management System open source ( LMS or Learning Management Systems, in English ), ie a virtual environment where an organization can manage their educational resources that can be used free of charge.

The child's father is a man named Martin Dougiamas so busy with his project that did not have time to update their own web . The design and development of Moodle is based on a philosophy of learning called "constructivism " , which states that knowledge is built on the student's mind rather than being transmitted unchanged from book or teaching and collaborative learning. A teacher operating from this approach creates a student-centered environment that will help build that knowledge based on their own knowledge and skills rather than simply publish and transmit the information to be considered that students should know.

One of the main advantages of Moodle is that it is continually improving, thanks to the work of different developers distributed around the world. Therefore, not surprisingly, is the e-learning platform used most our environment. Also, being so used, we have a lot of information online that can help us better understand and use this tool. As shown, this button-shaped poster published in the Cat's Pyjamas blog, which, depending on what we want, we recommend using a resource or another.

And you, Do you use Moodle as a tool for training in your organization?

To learn more:

Moodle Moodle Tutorial, Hot Potatoes and Exe
Moodle Course Moodle
guide for teachers.
Moodle tutorials.
Instructions for installing Moodle.
Tutorial for installing Moodle on a remote server.
Post on installing Moodle on a remote server.
Book: Moodle platform, which also helped me a bibliography for this post.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Does Gastritis Ever Go Away?

Isaac Asimov and learning.

" Self-education is, I believe,
the only kind of education that exists ."
Isaac Asimov.

Blog In Euskalit have left us this interesting video in which Isaac Asimov gives us his vision ("the future") on how people learn after all the knowledge that we would get were available, example, through a computer.

not too far from the theory of connectivism we spoke for a while, right?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Some Fun Virtual Worlds

Hospital stays are Llátzer and sponsored training.

public health centers, Norman, has a limited budget for projects outside the health care activities such as, For example, training. In many cases, professionals are in the difficult position of having to apply for support to the pharmaceutical industry, seeing that, otherwise, they will not be able to find funding to continue developing their skills.

The Llátzer Hospital Son, dependent Health Service of the Balearic Islands, have decided to end this situation and be creative in seeking funding. In this way, have established a series of partnerships with private sector companies, foundations and nonprofit institutions. They provide financial support for hospital professionals to conduct training placements in other centers and can thus acquire the knowledge necessary to, in turn, develop new medical interventions or nursing in the hospital.

What companies gain by it?

  1. companies demonstrate their commitment to improving health, reinforcing its image with customers and / or potential.
  2. The initiative has attracted the attention of the press. Each item on it, is advertising for companies participating in the program.
  3. Visibility Hospital facilities: in the hallways of inpatient and outpatient visits are to be placed in a permanent banners containing the names of the collaborating companies / friends of the Hospital.
  4. Health Days:
  5. Tax relief .
Clearly, in this way, the Hospital may conduct a training program that will help provide better services to citizens and that, otherwise, they could not perform . So, all parties win. Not a bad idea, right?

If you want to know more about this initiative, I suggest you visit this link of PeriscopiHos .