Sunday, October 24, 2010

Basketball Mask Philippines

, which is gerund.

The task of innovation in public health seems a mission impossible. We hide behind in the hierarchical structures and immobility, although, in reality, organizations are filled with people who are constantly doing things and that, to have sufficient support, could initiate projects innnovación. More than lack of capacity, we have no decision.

Last week, we could find on the web various innovative experiments in the field of health:

The Dr. Casado we talked about the Seminars Innovation in Primary Care, organized by Dr. Juan Gervás 6 years ago and wondered about the advisability of including patients on them. One option that several seemed so interesting and I do not understand why it has to be source of fear.

For his part, Rafael Pardo shared with us the presentation initiative i2Health Sant Pau, launched by the hospital of the same name, which will rely on the living lab approach , so that is precisely the patient, the center of the project. In your blog you have more information and you can also follow development of this whole story and facebook twitter:

i Sant Pau 2Health born with the user in mind, with an attitude, a mindset 2.0; dialogue must prevail, must prevail feedback and the classical approaches of research and development simply will not do.
We must go much further.
So after evaluating different methodological approaches, it was decided that i2Health Sant Pau function as a LivingLab.
A LivingLab is an organized environment around the user, integrating development and innovation processes concurrent within a pact to integrate government, private sponsorship and above all, citizens.
Another definition would be that of an open innovation environment, which features real life, in which the innovations developed by citizens is part of the co-creation of new services, products and social infrastructure.
The fact of using this methodology implicit in concepts of simulation, for the development and testing requires the user to feel the environment is as close to reality as possible ...
So if we want to emulate an environment dependence, a home, we should create a space within Sant Pau i2Health simulating a home.
If we want to emulate a hospital within the Center, we create a space that simulates a mini hospital.
A hospital within a hospital ...
And for that, should participate on an equal footing engineers, clinicians and patients.
Nobody said it was easy.

is not easy, no. Neither is the management innovation of which we speak Health and Management. A claim that another type of innovation, more than scientific, is not only possible, but is also vital for organizations and provides a major value if we change the ways of doing stuck in the past. The

Hospital Sant Joan Deu have decided to go down this path, where " assistance, but also research and innovation, try to solve the problems of patients and ways to transmit knowledge that It follows are teaching and dissemination ". In this other link, share with us the lessons learned in this journey of innovation in management .

It seems that some people are getting innovate despite the difficulties. And while I summarize these efforts, I keep thinking about what Juan Urrutia once told us: "Why innovate ?"..." Because all the other innovators. "

Videoclip of the first single from the new album by Miss Caffeina entitled "Failure of the Phenom "

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bible Verses For Housewarming

Learning from the successes and failures.

The Centre for Patient Safety has published in slideshare all shared experiences on safe practices in meeting Seguridad10 "Learning from the successes" , held last September in Seville. There you can find success stories in various fields related to patient safety and perhaps can serve as a source of inspiration / imitation for other organizations.

Speaking of successful practices, I always think: "What's errors? Can not we learn from them? ." Not usually talk of failures in the congresses and conferences, but they can also be a source of learning, as David Simms says in this post from HBR .

We tend to think we learned more about our mistakes than our successes, but we are still reluctant to share. So I agree with the conclusion of the article:

Whatever the consequences, the painful lesson has been learned, if it is shared properly, it can benefit someone else . Challenging us to share stories that have no a happy ending, we can help others and perhaps learn something more about ourselves in the process.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sayings For Second Birthday

Internet in the office: a necessity.

How could it be otherwise, and while certainly At this point, you have seen this logo over and over again, my other demons could not be less and also call for the end, once and for all and everywhere with locks access to internet. The media manager, making echo a study Hartzband and Groopman said that "nothing has changed clinical practice as a recent innovation called internet."

However, there seems to be who has not aware, in view of this situation map. Who has free internet access will not have the problems of security and network capacity to argue others to use the web (non) sense ?

I leave you with the manifesto of this initiative:

A point end of the first decade of the century, many medical consultation of our country, even having a computer connected to a computer network have blocked access to the Internet or it is very limited ... for health managers' decisions. As in the absurd case of the various English immunization schedules, the restrictions are different from other autonomous communities, reaching nearly absolute in some of those who consider themselves advanced in implementing new technologies in the health field. [ see location map ] It is clear that this attitude of confidence is precisely an example of ignorance, both the utility and performance of these new (and not so much) technologies and also constitutes a flagrant disregard for physicians and their patients. It is common sense that this error is corrected as soon as possible and therefore ask the open and unrestricted access to the Internet queries English health professionals to address a real need, both of them and the population served, and that concrete in:
  • Need INFORMATION. Virtually all is accessible through the Web A health center is also a center information that, to adequately perform their function, it requires access to any data source available.
  • Need TRAINING. Ongoing training is part of the work of a doctor. The multimedia online education is one of the most widespread means of training in the biomedical sciences. Internet is now the largest library of medical topics and health related.
  • N NEED FOR COMMUNICATION. At all levels: with patients, colleagues, managers and the community.
  • participation needs. Current medicine involves the participation and support of the patient in making clinical decisions that affect their health, and also groups of patients.
aim with this note to inform English society is unjustifiable anachronistic situation and move the request for an open Internet for health managers at any level of responsibility they are.

Internet in the office: a necessity.
Who is your doctor like a fool?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Brazilian Ejaculation Waxing

The Art of the election.

In this video from TED , Sheena Iyengar explores how we ele ctions and how we feel about the decision we made last. I think we can draw from the conference a valuable lesson applicable to teamwork and a reflection on the election process they are subjected to patients and families.

1. Teamwork.

The assumption that our performance is better when it is the individual who chooses for himself, without regard to others, is only true when that person is clearly separated from the rest.

When two or more individuals see their choices and their consequences are closely related, making the election is a collective act the success of both can be amplified.

insist that whatever choice you can actually put in DANGER as their performance and their relationships.

2. The choice in health decisions.

Iyengar exposes us the results of a study on the impact of the power of choice in American and French parents who faced the death of their baby after suffering from cerebral anoxia.

In the U.S., were the parents who had to decide whether to withdraw life support, without which he would die within hours, or keep it the same, in which case could die within days. If you survive, remain in a permanent vegetative state, unable walk, talk or interact with others. In France, however, were the doctors want to decided if and when life support be withdrawn.

discovered that having to make the decision or have left in the hands of doctors, he did influence the way in which parents cope with the loss. Americans more frequently expressed negative emotions, compared with the French. It was more probable that the French express their emotions by saying things like " gave us a new perspective on life " while U.S. Citizens' comments were " What if ...? Y if ...? "or" I feel like I've been deliberately tortured .

However, when asked if American parents would prefer that doctors make the decision, all answered "No" . simply could not imagine delegating this choice to someone else, even if she supposed to face feel trapped, guilty, angry.

could not consider quitting to choose, because doing so would have gone against everything they had been taught and everything that had come to believe about the power and purpose of choice.

Analyze different perspectives on the election in different parts of the world, helps us realize the full potential of the election. To consider other views on this same subject, we can see the act of choice in all its rarity and complexity and to find new examples of the importance of cultural perspective in the field of health.

To learn more:
When deciding an issue.