Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Is The Lightest Lacrosse Stick

: first results.

Last May we spent input to try to explain what the O-SAREAN initiative. As you can see in the comments, it's an initiative that not all welcomed with open arms.

Now, after the development of a pilot project in Bilbao County, we can say that is a reality. And so out in the press release published in Osanet :

Bringing healing to those who in their day to day without too much free time or those with mobility problems, serve them properly without have to leave home, thus improving service and convenience for patients and health facilities releasing queries that they can be met phone, these are some of the benefits and the new O-Sarean.

addition, we offer a presentation with information on the implementation process and the results obtained from this initial pilot phase:

presentation means 19 2001-2011 dared
View more
presentations from rakeltxu78 .

Since the implementation of automatic appointment has raised some doubts, Olalde Rafa, we showed in this video blog on their operation.

As Rafa said, any change at first causes confusion and rejection. However, it is possible that, over time, using this new system will look as natural in the world and ask ourselves how we could function without it. Will then, once this system has been accepted by society, when we qualify as an innovator.

To learn more:
Telecare extends Osakidetza.
The Department of Health received the National Award for Health Informatics and 2010.


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