Cydia Pokemon Emerald
do people die
death certificates in three paragraphs to specify the causes of death immediate cause, underlying cause and intermediate cause.
As immediate cause, most doctors get, although it is not recommended or recommended, "cardiorespiratory arrest", that is, cessation of heartbeat and respiration, in fact rather a result of death because of it, and common to all but the "brain death" with artificial maintenance of cardiorespiratory functions, such specificity removes all value for statistics or epidemiology.
Even when someone dies in hospital after multiple analysis, CT scans and MRIs, is sometimes difficult to establish the true causes of death.
The doctor places on the certificate which seem most likely, when done by autopsy, and clinical interest with the consent of the family is quite often that the causes were other than they had supposed.
However, these autopsies are becoming less common in hospitals because doctors tend to believe that today's diagnostic tools are unnecessary, it prevents learning from mistakes, the progressive prosecution of medicine may have also blamed, because they are interested in discovering or confirming that there has been an error.
If this is so on the ground, imagine what will happen when there is speculation about the causes of death historical figures, such as Ramses II.
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