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Memento (in transit)
Lest anyone be fooled, this blog everyone is welcome, including trolls and puppets Falange, and the people who disagree or professes ideas different from the bartender is greatly appreciated, because of the debate, a consensus is emerging or not, but in any case is the mother of entertainment through the intellectual exercise, which is what mainly looking for here, but not what interests us most.
said, should remember the following:
Do not think that faith and reason are compatible, or complementary. The reason is both tool and ripe fruit of our brains, faith in anything that is not accessible through our senses, or detection devices that our reason has been designed as an extension thereof, is the primary instinct our most primitive brain.
we think that science and religion are neither compatible nor complementary, but they are roads that tend to repel. The answers offered by science are now basic disproportionately in relation to the complexity of the questions we want to answer, but answers from religion, are completely unsatisfactory because they are reasonable, but mystical and childish.
Experience tells us that believers and razonantes, scientific and religious, they can talk to each other, but is unlikely to reach another agreement to be tolerated, which would be enough. The razonante could convince the believer if he is not blinded by faith it is impossible to convince the believer of any dogma or razonante religious principle, because by definition they are revealed truths that do not support or discussion or reasoning.
Three Persons in one God, transubstantiation, resurrection, virginity and motherhood, Assumption into heaven body and soul, universal moral, ethical relativism evil, horror sex, respect for the lives of embryos and fetuses, the dying and suffering of terminal patients, above all, secondary role of women, etc, etc, etc.
is harder even than razonante to "convert" if you look at how the clergy have historically used these truths that seem to have been revealed everyone, but for which they are appropriated, respect for life, for example, does not prevent the Catholic Church has supported genocide and bloody coups, or even today defend the death penalty in certain cases, or support terrorist movements murderers, "one of which we have close, has always found understanding and support of church bodies.
Fortunately reason and science, and therefore ethical relativism and social, are moving inexorably against faith and religion, in the more developed societies disappear clerics and nuns, churches were closed and converted into areas for culture, not a revolution, and men are valued and respect each other although religion is transformed into something residual.
I used voluntarily royal we, at last, after all, the most evidence argues that deists are encyclicals and pastoral in which the pontiff turn insists on speaking in the plural the first person, as if he alone were worth for many. Why atheists do not have to do, but pretend not to pontificate on anything?
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