
altarpiece in the chapel beside the Church of San Pedro de Teruel I found a beautiful carved representation of the miracle. Donor black leg fits perfectly in the receiver, the scene fits perfectly into the altarpiece carved by master Joli, he in his chapel, and turn the chapel in the church where it is located, adjacent to the mausoleum of lovers.
The ruins of the church of the Monasterio de Piedra, near Alhama de Aragón, fit with the environment, and fit with the rebound of the locals, who destroyed what they could from the convent, once empty, so that the monks never return, so they were exploited and subjected for centuries.
The old monastery of San Juan de la Peña, where it fits with more intention than elegance on the rock where it is embedded, and where was the original Holy Grail, "now in Valencia Cathedral, I thought I found in one of the beautiful Romanesque capitals another representation of the miracle of transplant physicians twin saints and legs,
but it seemed fitting that leg but not the washing of feet.
What does not in any way is this modern image of the saint sudden, or holy cooked in the pressure cooker, in the parish church of Alhama de Aragon, in which the postmodern painting occupies a prominent place.


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