Kings and you Want Nefertiti return home?
Come on, you go thinking the answer. 20.07.2009 .- Continued.
When you visit certain museums in London, Paris or Berlin, it is an idea of \u200b\u200bplundering that archaeologists of the nineteenth and twentieth subjected to poor countries with noble past. The Pergamon Museum on Museum Island in Berlin, display full Altar of Zeus, brought from Pergamos, the Roman Market Gate of Miletus and Doors Ishtar, from Babylon.
The headsets make it clear that the work was obtained with the permission of the relevant state-event of a coffered ceiling of the Alhambra, or if it had not been for the archaeologists involved nothing would be one of the monuments that are exposed.
Nefertiti in the book to come home / Nefertiti Wants to Return Home by Gert Von Paczensky , Ganslmayr Herbert, published here in September 1985 by Metro, the authors describe how they carried out the robbery and which claims are on the stolen treasures from the countries where they were located.
reference Take the story of the discovery and removal of the bust of Nefertiti, now temporary exhibit at the Altes Museum in Berlin. Nefertiti lived in the XVIth XIV BC, was the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten and probably happened to her death.
"Nefertiti, is in exile in Germany from Egypt. where it was found by chance, after falling from the shelf in a shop. Chief excavation is managed to steal away in the daily delivery, and take it to Germany, where he took 10 years to bring it to luz.Momento in which, the Egyptian government made crosses, to see what had been swiped. Even the Fuhrer, was obsessed with her and her "Aryan."
Since his exhibition in Germany, has been a pattern of abuse, proposals and negociacionesdel Egyptian government to bring back to their country .... So far "(From Mary, probably inspired here.
Nefertiti Since I met in art history classes from high school I was fascinated by his image. As Maria says, Nefertiti, officially, is in exile in Germany, where he arrived on hijacked.
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