friends. To relax those stated my enemies, although I would not have had as such, "as he said on his deathbed watch the undefeated West, just in my case is true, and I soon forget.
May the Lord make the miracle of a lightning strike down the fascists and fundamentalists blogs completely unharmed leaving their bloggers and commentators to give faith and truth, truth in small caps, that is just not try to impose ideas or beliefs to anyone and in solidarity with our fellow -.
That Don Ratzinger, Rouco and famulus Don, Don Martinez Camino, the atildao, stay healthy for many years in office, as this is a guarantee of the ultimate triumph of reason, they do not can neither win nor convincing.
That refinery Tierra de Barros will not be built, and that the club is not as expensive ADSL, is not that expensive.
I return to mine. You know where I am.
(I posted my e-mail several times, but if someone does not have and want to contact me for some reason can ask my brother Antonio Pierdepeso, to whose wisdom I leave the decision to give it)
(Some photos are courtesy of Novice and ATB)
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