Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tredmill That Can Fold Under Bed

Brief news of the conspiracy that continues

I come from reading around that the two recientísimos ETA attacks, a huge two dead and others are proof-perhaps unequivocally that negotiations with the deranged murderers continues, this time "has been known to carry very secret." It is even more unequivocal proof, if possible, because before there was a few months of silence ... Fuck milk, if no attack, is that no negotiation, if any, that is the unequivocal proof. Precious rationality. Perverse rationality, conspiracy-long learning, weed through a tube. If there were the domestic front, it would have to invent it.
This entry has no pictures. The I consider unnecessary.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Copenhagen Excess Baggage Companies

Public Works and mismatches

Snow me is a hostile environment.
I've been a couple of times in the ski resort of Candanchu for professional matters, I had to use chains, I saw my car buried in snow ...

and wanted to see was that in summer,

and step tread France, three miles above.

At one point I say goodbye, I spent the exit Canfranc-station whose famous scenes were filmed Doctor Zhivago "and I was stuck in the tunnel Somport, almost 9 km I guess the tunnel will be video-monitored and that will make a Pirula misconduct in a tunnel, so round tunnel. I was surprised that on a day in late July was not any traffic, or cars or trucks. We and some other clueless.

The tunnel came to light in French Pyrenees, a beautiful valley, and lasts for a mountain road, narrow, badly maintained with the firm, which made me walk several miles to find somewhere to reverse the direction. It seems awkward to tunnel expensive and technically demanding Super Long, joining local roads, it seems that on this occasion were French residents who missed the program, "so people just use it and choose the other steps in the Pyrenees (Irun and La Jonquera).

These 8 km tunnel, opened in 2003, which cost an egg secure, safe and saving miles of curves to cross the Pyrenees, and yet there it is, practically obsolete, or so it gave me.

worst thing is that it runs parallel to another tunnel, the railway, built in the early twentieth century to join Zaragoza and Pau, past the famous station Canfranc.

was in use just twelve years, from 1928 to 1940. Now, closed at both ends, it only serves as an emergency exit road tunnel, with which communicates through galleries.

With what joy has always spent money ever!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Plant Holders For Fence


Since the beginning of this blog have expressed curiosity about the religious, as a manifestation of the activity the human brain, also those who, precisely, such as language or ability to control and use of hands, you are more characteristic and distinguish it from other animals nearby.
God and his implausible properties, lord and creator all, with his goodness and evil no doubt simultaneous, dogmas, mysteries, miracles, immortality is promised ... all the product of human brain entomologist look with curiosity and marvel not stop off in the arts field, and the party that certain groups of men are drawn, and draw-in that notorious weak aspect of our capabilities.
In one of my first entries attributed to Cosmas and Damian, twin brothers, doctors and martyrs, the completion of the first transplant between humans , specifically the leg of a black Ethiopian slave, was exchanged for gangrenous leg and a sacristan cancerous Christian.
altarpiece in the chapel beside the Church of San Pedro de Teruel I found a beautiful carved representation of the miracle. Donor black leg fits perfectly in the receiver, the scene fits perfectly into the altarpiece carved by master Joli, he in his chapel, and turn the chapel in the church where it is located, adjacent to the mausoleum of lovers.
The ruins of the church of the Monasterio de Piedra, near Alhama de Aragón, fit with the environment, and fit with the rebound of the locals, who destroyed what they could from the convent, once empty, so that the monks never return, so they were exploited and subjected for centuries.

The old monastery of San Juan de la Peña, where it fits with more intention than elegance on the rock where it is embedded, and where was the original Holy Grail, "now in Valencia Cathedral, I thought I found in one of the beautiful Romanesque capitals another representation of the miracle of transplant physicians twin saints and legs,

but it seemed fitting that leg but not the washing of feet.
What does not in any way is this modern image of the saint sudden, or holy cooked in the pressure cooker, in the parish church of Alhama de Aragon, in which the postmodern painting occupies a prominent place.
is true that this saint with glasses, which helped us a little raw, was Aragonese, Barbastro, to be exact, but always said no one is prophet in his land.
. As this

What gives joy sometimes cross the Pyrenees ...

Almost as much as not having to cross the Strait.

(The latter, Novi, is for you :-)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Spectral Tiger Worth It?

I go.
. Lest you send me away to lack some fresh input. Said recently that three times I have had hint of Stendhal syndrome . Once it was the enter the Acropolis in Athens, across from the Parthenon, another few days ago, before the bust of Nefertiti, but the first time was before the Meninas of Velazquez, right there, in the Museo del Prado.

About Meninas have written a multitude of nonsense. Some will recall that in the Franco Prado dark box was displayed in front of a mirror, because a distinguished professor occurred to him that Velázquez had painted watching everything in a large mirror, with which all the characters had to be left-handed, because it had left handed.

truth that day is very complex to the table saw the truth, I had read somewhere, but not internalized. Velázquez portrays Who? For the kings, "say some simple-they are seen reflected in the mirror in the background. Do not be fooled by appearances. Who watches? Who paints? Looks at you and looking at you and retratarte on that canvas we do not see you include in the architecture of the table and puts you in the theoretical place of kings. The king, or queen, you are, "the spectator amazed and perplexed that you notice as Velázquez, skillfully uses you as a true dethroned monarch and the false.

When I realized that, gave me tachycardia, and weakness of legs, and nearly fainting. See you soon.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Homemade Noise Makers For Cheer Competitions

Kings and you Want Nefertiti return home?

Come on, you go thinking the answer.

20.07.2009 .- Continued.

When you visit certain museums in London, Paris or Berlin, it is an idea of \u200b\u200bplundering that archaeologists of the nineteenth and twentieth subjected to poor countries with noble past. The Pergamon Museum on Museum Island in Berlin, display full Altar of Zeus, brought from Pergamos, the Roman Market Gate of Miletus and Doors Ishtar, from Babylon.

The headsets make it clear that the work was obtained with the permission of the relevant state-event of a coffered ceiling of the Alhambra, or if it had not been for the archaeologists involved nothing would be one of the monuments that are exposed.

Nefertiti in the book to come home / Nefertiti Wants to Return Home by Gert Von Paczensky , Ganslmayr Herbert, published here in September 1985 by Metro, the authors describe how they carried out the robbery and which claims are on the stolen treasures from the countries where they were located.

reference Take the story of the discovery and removal of the bust of Nefertiti, now temporary exhibit at the Altes Museum in Berlin. Nefertiti lived in the XVIth XIV BC, was the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten and probably happened to her death.

"Nefertiti, is in exile in Germany from Egypt. where it was found by chance, after falling from the shelf in a shop. Chief excavation is managed to steal away in the daily delivery, and take it to Germany, where he took 10 years to bring it to luz.Momento in which, the Egyptian government made crosses, to see what had been swiped. Even the Fuhrer, was obsessed with her and her "Aryan."

Since his exhibition in Germany, has been a pattern of abuse, proposals and negociacionesdel Egyptian government to bring back to their country .... So far "(From Mary, probably inspired here.

Nefertiti Since I met in art history classes from high school I was fascinated by his image. As Maria says, Nefertiti, officially, is in exile in Germany, where he arrived on hijacked.

Now that I've been in front of her, I had the opportunity to ask if you really want to go home. His answer was clear: NO.

prefers being what it is, an illegal immigrant in Germany today, which a woman in Egypt today . There seemed to lie.