Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Some Fun Virtual Worlds

Hospital stays are Llátzer and sponsored training.

public health centers, Norman, has a limited budget for projects outside the health care activities such as, For example, training. In many cases, professionals are in the difficult position of having to apply for support to the pharmaceutical industry, seeing that, otherwise, they will not be able to find funding to continue developing their skills.

The Llátzer Hospital Son, dependent Health Service of the Balearic Islands, have decided to end this situation and be creative in seeking funding. In this way, have established a series of partnerships with private sector companies, foundations and nonprofit institutions. They provide financial support for hospital professionals to conduct training placements in other centers and can thus acquire the knowledge necessary to, in turn, develop new medical interventions or nursing in the hospital.

What companies gain by it?

  1. companies demonstrate their commitment to improving health, reinforcing its image with customers and / or potential.
  2. The initiative has attracted the attention of the press. Each item on it, is advertising for companies participating in the program.
  3. Visibility Hospital facilities: in the hallways of inpatient and outpatient visits are to be placed in a permanent banners containing the names of the collaborating companies / friends of the Hospital.
  4. Health Days:
  5. Tax relief .
Clearly, in this way, the Hospital may conduct a training program that will help provide better services to citizens and that, otherwise, they could not perform . So, all parties win. Not a bad idea, right?

If you want to know more about this initiative, I suggest you visit this link of PeriscopiHos .


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