Saturday, May 14, 2011

Watch Cheaters The Movie

On Liberty to be part of a polling station and strange lessons in democracy from a mayor ... Piedrabuena

in Spain when elections are called starts machinery that makes possible the act. In preparation is the election of members of the polling stations. Of the total electorate is selected people with a certain level of education and carries out a lot. Does not take into account the personal preferences of the elect, the necesiades or desires. A person may not want to be a voting member and does not seem very democratic nor very fair to be forced. Another might want it and not to be named in decades. But the worrying thing for me is where is the freedom of the individual in this type of process called democracy. Without having to explain why I see no reason why you have to obey. If also thought to be a macro-scale deception, a mockery, an insult, an aberration ... why strange bureaucratic plan must comply with an appointment? Should work with a system that does not create and does not guarantee basic rights? Should not respect the right to conscientious voter? Do not have a right to do what we want the day in question without having to give explanations, without making excuses or use other tricks? What we call freedom?
says a mayor in a letter to the neighbors that he votándole to get the right to criticize ... I find it verging on criminal. What to criticize in a political system calling itself democratic we should vote for a certain candidate? Regrettable and shameful. Indeed. that person takes about sixteen years of rule over some of MP and is not characterized precisely by its acceptance of criticism or to respect rights such as freedom of expression or press freedom.
And we must communicate with millstones in a democratic election that was not it? Are we or are we not free? Much criticism of the previous period and continue with a traits and ways of doing things clearly authoritarian and dictatorial.
Like other times I have said, come on ...


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