Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What Kind Of Lipstick Does Kat Von D

real democracy and political opportunists and some on the night of May 18, 2011.

After quickly view several television news at nine o'clock tonight, May 18, 2011, Wednesday observed some opportunistic politicians. I especially have drawn attention to the words of Felipe González Márquez and José Bono Martínez. Draws attention to its chameleonic attitude than anything else. Now they say that they find interesting about this movement that calls for political reforms instituted and consolidated them for decades ... This is just the opposite of what is required for these initiatives. Surprised by the silence of the Prime Minister of Spain and most of the regions at these events. Call attention to the television channel Intereconomía follow up on foot and street balcony over other chains-chains, which continue with their regular programming. I was surprised positively and the coverage of the press in the countries around us with titles much more daring than the English. The silence of Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba is also very sound. I miss the view of people like the writer and professor José Luis Sampedro and people who study these issues for years.
different adjectives and epithets that are launched from Intereconomía least sospechosillos ... osea, sidereal. In
youtube and facebook is cool stuff but, at the first glance, not seem so motivating me to explain what is happening.
On television talking about the prohibitions of the Board of Elections. I do not know the reality and the legal framework, but it would be interesting for someone to explain.
Honestly, I'd be there ...


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